Nightynight: Origins High Potency Night-A-Mins Nighttime Moisturizer

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

This is a story about a product that transformed my face. 

I have very very dry skin. I'm talking itchy, flaky, sensitive, easily damaged dry skin. And it's not just my face - its my scalp, arms and legs, everywhere. For a very long time I ignored it, because I believed that nothing would ever help, and I just had to deal with my skin being the way it was. But since I've started this blog and started really looking for skincare, I've discovered that healthy skin is possible. And Origins Night-A-Mins Moisturizer is a total game changer. 

Not only is my skin thoroughly moisturized, but its almost oily - I'm serious. Within about a week of using this product, my skin was totally different. It feels like I don't have to moisturize every day anymore. It feels soft and clear and bright, and I'm seriously in awe. Like, I want to put this stuff on my whole body it's that good. This is a miracle product. And it makes your face smell like oranges.

So pretty much I am going to recommend the shit outta this stuff for anyone who has super duper dry skin. You may not even have to use it every night after a while, just maybe three times a week or so and you'll be good to go with totally smooth, soft skin. Just like, fucking do it already, okay? Okay. Glad we had this chat. 

1 comment

  1. The last bit made me laugh haha :) I've heard a lot of good things about this product before xxx
