Introducing: The Evil Queen Book Club

Sunday, June 1, 2014

books, lolita, evil queen book club

I have always been a huge bibliophile. I love books. I love reading, I love getting lost in a good story, I love collecting books and shopping for books and it never feels right when I don't have books around. I'm one of those weird people that collects old books and multiple copies of my favourites. I studied English in college, I've always been a creative writer, and books are my life.

As I've gotten older, it's been a bit more difficult to read as much as I'd like to, so I've always really liked the idea of a book club. So I've decided to try a blogger book club, and there's been some interest in this idea, so I've teamed up with my friend Kay from The Desert Bibliophile to get this going.

Introducing The Evil Queen Book Club

evil queen book club, books

Here is the plan:

  • We read a book a month. Each book will be by a female author, or will feature a strong female character.
  • Each blogger will be in charge of selecting a book for the whole club to read for the month. This book can be classic or contemporary fiction, YA, poetry, or nonfiction/biography. That blogger will also be in charge of posting 3-5 discussion questions for the rest of the group to answer which will kick off a discussion.
  •  At the end of the month, each Book Club Member will make a post in their blog with a summary, their thoughts, and the answers to the discussion questions. Once posted, links will be submitted to me so that I can keep a masterpost.
  • I'll keep a masterpost of everyone's posts so that we can comment back and forth, talking about what we've read! 
If you're interested in participating, please leave the following information in a comment below:
  1. Name
  2. URL of your blog
  3. Twitter handle (if you don't have twitter, please leave another way to contact you)
Once I've got all this information collected, we can start reading! 

evil queen book club, books


  1. I love this idea!! I'd be interested in joining in, though I find I'm struggling to read as much these days, but I'd like to give it a go. Http:// and @aimeebelle86
    Aimée Belle

  2. I would love to participate in this!
    My name is Rachel Sizemore
    My Blog is:
    Twitter: @heartonahanger or @rachsize

  3. I absolutely love Wicked, I've read the whole series of books and seen the musical numerous time. I love reading and I'd be interested in joining you.

    Name: Rachael
    Twitter: @rachaellucyd

  4. This sounds great, I'd be interested. My name is Rosie, I'm at and @eatreadglam.

    I've never seen a copy of The Hunger Games with the arrow on the spine, so pretty.

  5. This is such a good idea, I love finding a good book and would love to join your book club!
    My blog is and twitter @KimamelyBeauty
    Kimamely Xx.

  6. I love this idea!
    Katie Snyder

  7. I would absolutely love to participate! I absolutely love the hunger games and I am dying to read Wicked, I am a massive fan of the musical.

    My name is Carey.
    My blog is Something about Carey
    My twitter is @somethingcarey

  8. This is a good idea! I actually just finished reading Wicked and White Teeth. Zadie Smith is such a great writer!

    Tatiana Delgado

  9. Hi Christina, looking forward to starting this, my name is Andrea Thompson, my blog is and my twitter handle is @andreasmua1 hope to hear from you soon, Andrea xxx
